The Garfookie Contest!

The Garfookie Contest!

Back by popular demand—and/or boredom—is the great, international Garfookie contest!!!! What is a Garfookie, you ask? Why, it’s a Christmas cookie (or similarly baked good) identical in shape and form to a real Garfoose. Caution: baking something as terrifying as a...

Kruk: Bobby V Great Because He Speaks Japanese.

I got up today because the dog woke me up. Between waiting for his bowel movement and the consumption of my own breakfast, I spun over to ESPN to check out what Kruk had to say about Bobby V coming in to skipper the Sox. Kruk Said Bobby V was exactly what the Sox...

Kid’s Toys

“Did you see Manny got arrested?” I asked my dearest Bonnie, presently standing at my side with matching coffee cup and pajamas. “Shocker,” she said “Yeah,” I took a sip, “I guess. Though I was kinda surprised. He wasn’t the smartest guy I played with, but he didn’t...

Big J Needs to Lift

“If I tried to lift that over my head, the weight would crush me like one of those Super Mario Goombas,” I said, making a raspberry noise. Big J, laughed at me as he stepped out from under the weight rack. He always laughs at me when I say stuff like that. I didn’t...