Note to self: if you’re going to show-up the president and your team, and polarize America in the process, make a bigger statement than a Facebook message.

Yes folks, I get Timmy was trying to make a point—and he did, kinda—but he could have really went the distance.

I have two major critiques:

1)   Tim could have made public his plans not to attend before the day of— getting it out there in the news so his team wasn’t overshadowed by his right to exercise individual freedoms. I’m all about individual freedoms and enjoying them, but Tim, who knew about this event well before it happened, could have given the media a heads up so that his team didn’t get stuck with explaining “well, uh, the thing is Mr. Obama… Tim hates you” while at the president’s house. If you’re going to do something like this, which is totally all about you, do it in a way that doesn’t screw up the attention earned by your teammates who may not agree with your stance on things.

2)   Get your money’s worth. I can respect you for wanting to be radical with your freedom, but this wasn’t radical. After reading Tim’s Facebook message (really? A fucking Facebook message is how we tell off the president these days?) I couldn’t help but notice his beefs sounded a more like the generalized rumblings so often found on the lips of those who like to complain but don’t exactly know what they’re complaining about. Was there any real item Tim was mad about in particular? His message sounded like Tea Party regurgitation, which is rather sad. I mean, if you’re going to no-show a team party from president and piss off at least half of the country, say why, be specific, draw attention to exactly what you want people to know. Don’t just say that the government is out of control, it’s both parties fault, and you’re mad. The only statement something like, “this government is broken and I’m not going to participate in a party because of it” makes is the one declaring you to be a jack-ass. That’s so general it’s almost elitist. Tim, you just got to do something so many other people would love to do (engage President Obama personally about his policies) and the best you could come up with is a Facebook message? Talk about getting zero bang for your buck.