Since the holiday season is coming, I’ve had quite a few requests for signed or personalized copies of The Bullpen Gospels. However, I wasn’t comfortable giving out my home address (for those willing to ship me a copy), and its tricky setting something up with my publisher (since they’re located in NYC and I’m  in podunk Ohio) that could practically accommodate personalization. Then I had this idea…

I like book stores, all book stores. I like personal, non-chain stores best because of their unique charms and entrepreneur spirit, but I have to say all because the big chains sell my book, and do a wonderful job of it mind you, AND they keep an eye on me. Thus, I must keep them happy— I love you mighty corporate empires! *waves and smiles* But, considering my location, and the personal touch of a privately owned store, I was able to work out a deal with a fine book shop right down the street from my house called The Learned Owl. It’s quite the store, full of charm and learnedness, and owls. You’d like it if you went there, especially since they are now THE ONLY store that carries signed and personalizable copies of The Bullpen Gospels!

If you can’t make it to Hudson to see the place personally but you still want a copy, here is what you do: Hop on line, go to this site;, and make a special request for a signed copy of The Bullpen Gospels. If you want it personalized, you can put your requested sentiment in the message box, and when I make my trip to The Learned Owl, I’ll sign it up and we’ll get it shipped out to you (shipping and handling charges will apply, naturally). I believe the books are retailing at list price, so no special markup for ones with my scribble… at least while supplies last. If you just want a copy of the book with no signature (still a very enjoyable read, FYI) you can find it cheaper than list price at any of the wondrous, amazing, and hopefully not mad at me, stores found here: Buy the book!

So, if you’ve mailed me asking how to get a copy, now you have your answer and I don’t have to feel bad about shooting you down! And, you get to support a private business! Three cheers for Capitalism!

Oh, and have a happy Thanksgiving!

~Mr. Garfoose.