I write up a daily list of topics in the morning and send them to the Producers and Jeff Blair before Baseball Central starts.

Here is todays.


Things you probably shouldn’t say during an interview:

Gio Gonzales about trying to keep his hands warm during his start: “I felt like I was making love to my hand.”

More here:


What is up with MLB pitchers and their sexual innuendoes? Two nights back Erik Bedard of the Astros said, “I knew that if I would warm up in the game I was going in. … I didn’t want to get dry-humped and stuff,”

AKA, blue balls… Either way it talks about getting all turned on and not allowed to actually do the deed… of pitching— not sex.

Jose Bautista: “Sometimes I have trouble more than other players dealing with my production being affected by somebody else’s mediocrity. It’s just the way that I am as a person, it’s a tougher pill to swallow for me sometimes.”

Wow. Big League ego comment. Intentionally Insulting. And utterly wrong. I don’t mean to defend umpires, but if Bautista only had bad reactions to bad pitches, I’d understand. But he has bad negative reactions nearly every time he strikes out these days, even in spring training. He’s become more demonstrative, not less. And, I hate to say this, but this comment implies he’s becoming less humble as well. What he doesn’t think he can be struck out? He doesn’t think other players aren’t bothered by their lack of performance?

This comment was just unnecessary. Even if he isn’t a arrogant guy—which I don’t believe he is—saying these things will open the door for people to inject there own definitions into him based on what they see and hear in these limited samples. That’s why it’s so important to keep yourself together. You want to be angry in the moment, that’s fine. You want to call out umpires for being mediocre… that’s just not professional. Better get a spoon full of sugar and get that pill swallowed, J-Bau.

Tim Lincecum, walks seven and still wins!? That’s, uh, good? Or bad, considering how much the Giants Need Lincecum to deliver this year? He’s set to make 22 million dollars…

Is it worse than Roy Halladay only making it through 3 and 2/3rds in his first start? Harry Leroy Halladay is set to make 20 Million this year….

Or is it worse that Vernon Wells is hitting .429 with a homer as a Yankee? #burnJaysburn

BTW, what the hell has happened to Roy Halladay? You and I both know Roy. How do you think he’s taking this, Jeff?

I’m going to become a doctor for super star pitchers, Jeff, and I’m going to work with guys who implode. I only need like 4 clients in my career to be set for life. And I may just have 3 candidates this year… Romero, Halladay, and Lincecum.


Red Sox, under the leadership of John F. Backstabber (I kid, he was traded, remember), are running away with the league! OMG. They also are playing the Yankees… Who aren’t that good. But, they’re certainly better than the Astros…

The Astros have struck out 43 times in 93 at bats… of 91 possible outs they’ve made 43 via K. Wow..