3 Quick Jays Thoughts, Post Trade

1. This entices veteran players who would not have considered Toronto as a viable option since it places the Jays into immediate contention for the AL East crown. When you’re an older player who’s made your money, you care about winning over another major...

Little Bets

I’m in the hospital right now. Again. I write this from my cell phone. I can’t help but compare my time at the Cleveland Clinic to my time in Las Vegas. Giant sprawling buildings, valet parking, exotic cars driven by wealthy doctors. Food courts full of...

Know Why to Laugh

I guess you could say my family has a history of mental issues, some stark, some hilarious. If you’ve read my book, you know my dad has had a tough time dealing with the mental trauma stemming from his physical disabilities. Conversely you also know that my...


I have no regrets about ending my playing career. I accomplished more in my short career than a lot of players who grind on for far longer. Sure, those players will probably make way more money than me, but it’s not about the money. It’s not about what you...