What to do With a Problem Like Yunel.

Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid… But, sadly, understandable. At least for me. I’ve spent time in locker rooms and I know that the kind of stuff that happens in there is not rated PG. It’s a crude environment where, “what’s up asshat”...

Giving the Jays a Black Eye.

Okay, so, the player in me looks at this and says, “Waaaahahahahah! Got heeeeeem!” But then the Live Analyst looks at his and says, “Ahem, that’s an unfortunate prank that got little more attention than I think these boys bargained for....

Sierra VS Spy.

Moises Sierra comes up to the Jays and hits in a time when no one besides Edwin Encarnacion wanted too. He hits better than Anthony Gose, his prime roster spot rival, and he makes some highlight real throws. He looks like a big leaguer. One would tend to think...

The Weight of Injury

I talked with Jeff Niemann after the game yesterday, before the media scrum jumped on him to ask him what his physical malfunction was out on the field. It was a strange encounter. I knew he was ready to address the media, and when a player gets ready to talk to the...