by Dirk Hayhurst | Sep 26, 2012 | Spirituality
If you’ve read some of my previous posts you’ll know that I’m heading to this Christian party where drinking is going to take place. Says it right on the invite: “we gonna get our drink on”. Well, it doesn’t say it quite like... by Dirk Hayhurst | Sep 19, 2012 | Spirituality
Today the act of prayer was heavy on my mind. I heard the worship leader when he read a prayer concerning why people worshiped before the he sang. I heard the pastor talk about all the people that needed prayed for. I heard the Elders report on the state of the church... by Dirk Hayhurst | Sep 17, 2012 | Spirituality
Driving into church today I wondered if I had the whole Christianity thing right. I do that a lot; wonder if I’m doing something right, be it Christianity, marriage, life, existence…. Things that I can’t possibly know the answer to, as if there is a... by Dirk Hayhurst | Sep 15, 2012 | Spirituality
Until recently, I’ve had trouble attending worship services. I don’t dislike worship services or think they’re some abomination or other such heretical thing. I don’t care if it’s all hymns with voice only, or, clapping, swaying and... by Dirk Hayhurst | Sep 13, 2012 | Spirituality
I’m drinking a Vodka on the rocks while I write this. You may not think that means anything, but, oh, it so does. My wife and I got invited to this roaring 20’s party. Frankly, I’m not even sure what they hell that is. It’s a theme party, I... by Dirk Hayhurst | Sep 11, 2012 | Spirituality
#Double Disclaimer. I don’t have kids, and, therefore, have not had to deal with the following issue personally, so please take my views with a grain of salt. Also, I write this to stir up good conversation, not to judge anyone for their choices. My opinions are...