Zaun is Right: Trout is Better.

Zaun is Right: Trout is Better.

I hear there has been some outrage over my former broadcasting comrade, Greg Zaun, implying that Trout is—if we all had to vote now—the clear cut AL MVP, and that it’s not even close. Well, I think it’s kinda close. If you look at their respective numbers it’s...
Pujols, Moore, and Fickel Fans.

Pujols, Moore, and Fickel Fans.

Now that shock of Pujols leaving the Cardinals has started to sink in, we have to ask ourselves if the Angles are going to get all one quarter of a billion dollars of their money’s worth from the deal? Albert is unquestionably one of the game’s premier talents, but,...
Pujols, Moore, and Fickel Fans.

Bleacher Report Blow Back

Yesterday I posted this article on Bleacher Report. I stand by it. It got it’s far share of strong responses, both for and against, but some folks took the time to email me about it. Here is one: Dick, I just read your article on the Pujols deal.  You say...