Dirk Hayhurst's Blog
Words and thoughts still trying to make it to the big leagues...How Goins Goes
Last night Ryan Goins played team hero, socking a game winning home run deeeeep ta rrrrriiiight, putting his Jays over the Tribe, 5-3. Good for him, it's alway since to see power in unexpected places. When a team is rolling along we often focus in on the...
The Rogers Centre Sucks and Price is Leaving.
Paul Beeston is out and Mark Shapiro is in. Lets take a look at what that means for the Jays. First, for the players in the locker room right now, this news doesn’t mean much. Even if it could mean something, Shapiro and the Blue Jays Org will downplay or table it so...
Injury and Bad Communication: The Tolleson Effect.
Getting injured in professional baseball can be hell. Frankly speaking, getting injured in any walk of life can be hell, with the specific circle of hell you’ll occupy tightly correlated to the severity of your injury. However, for simplicity sake, lets keep this...
Stroman and The Minor League Playoff Hustle
Marcus Stroman... The Blue Jay world seems fixated upon his return. Will he be healthy, will he contribute, what do all his tweets about feeling better than ever mean? Lets review what we know and take the rest in due time, shall we? First, Stroman's knee is feeling...
Who Leads Off, Tulo or Revere?
I do radio hits almost every day. Before I do them, I ask each respective show producer to send me a few topics their on air talent wants to talk about. This ensures I don't get blindsided by off-the-wall subjects and, consequently, end up looking more ignorant than I...
When I Was a Gay Athlete
When I was fourteen, I made the worst decision of my life: joining my middle school wrestling team.It wasn’t the weight cutting or rolling around on dirty mats with sweaty boys that made it so bad. It wasn’t even the humiliation of wearing a singlet. It...
Zaun is Right: Trout is Better.
I hear there has been some outrage over my former broadcasting comrade, Greg Zaun, implying that Trout is—if we all had to vote now—the clear cut AL MVP, and that it’s not even close. Well, I think it’s kinda close. If you look at their respective numbers it’s...
Roster Shuffles and Tulo’s Struggles
Hutchison will head south to Buffalo so the Jays can keep him on his throwing program. The Jays have lots of off days coming up and when you’re having he kind of year Hutchison is, you get demoted so you can, “stay on schedule” instead of having the schedule...
Timely Heat
How about them underdog Yankees? Back in first, huh? Yeah, well, see, that’s what happens… There is something magical about the hungry underdog spirt, something about the chase as opposed to being chased. Actually, there is a lot of something. Interesting quote by...
Price, Buehrle, and Why You Should Pitch Like Them
It's a common misconception that, if you're an older left-handed pitcher with less velocity, you have to throw more off-speed, aka, junk. The thinking goes that, because your fastball is slower, you must throw less of it as it's easier to hit. Instead, throw more...
Tips on Preparing For Your First Off-Season
Congratulations on finishing up your first season in the minors. After a long college/high school year followed by this dip spit-scented slog through the bush leagues, you really do deserve a break. However, before you cram your team bag full logoed trinkets...
Cowardice is Good For Business
Sonny Gray’s back wasn’t up for a day game against the Jays today. It was having spasms, and subsequently got Gray scratched from the contest. Of course, as soon as that happened, the internet caught fire with speculation over whether Sonny Gray’s back was actually...