Big J Needs to Lift

“If I tried to lift that over my head, the weight would crush me like one of those Super Mario Goombas,” I said, making a raspberry noise. Big J, laughed at me as he stepped out from under the weight rack. He always laughs at me when I say stuff like that. I didn’t...

Little Giants

Once again I was on the yellow line edging the football field, the same yellow line this annoying mom with an inferior camera ran me off of earlier because, as she said, “It’s against the rules.” “I just want some good shots of my cousin, no...

Never Forget

Honestly, I took History of Jazz because it was an easy A. In fact, the instructor knew this was why most kids took it; one of the reasons he didn’t take attendance and kept his tests relatively idiot proof. He wasn’t tenured yet and needed students to pass the class...

Classically Guitared

“Why do all the people in here look so white and scaly?” I asked, standing outside the mob of people eating the post event spread. “They’re musicians honey, they never go outside” said Bonnie. “They have to practice all day.” “Lord, they’re like vampires. I feel like...

Xenogears: First Save.

Yesterday I fired up the old PS1 (via PS3 emulator) to catch up on some unfinished business. Once upon a time I rented a game called Xenogears, played it for a couple of hours, then had to go do some stupid baseball crap and never got to finish. Now that I have the...