Garfoose’s First Photoblog

I’ve been wanting to write on this here blog more often, but it’s not always convient to sit down and write full length articles about the crazy stuff that goes on in my head. Beyond that, some of the stuff that goes on in there can’t be properly...

Getting Stamped

I didn’t know what to expect upon my entrance in the professional baseball ranks. To that point, all I had to go on were the exaggerated folk tales spread by my college teammates who had a buddy with a buddy who was playing in some minor league dump while acting like...

Showing Your Teeth

Hanz was pissed, and he should have been. It’s not every day the field coordinator tells you that, yes, your suspicions are correct, he’s racist and the reason Hanz is going back to rookie ball while a certain inexperienced, less talented Latin player is heading up to...

Work and Worry

I can still see myself in that hotel room in Birmingham, in pain from stuff I’m not supposed to be feeling pain from, wondering if I’ll sleep tonight or just lie there wanting to go to sleep but not able to like I have the last 5 nights before it. That’s when the want...

Shouting Into the Fog

Ever get tired of it? The social media shuffle, that is. The constant jockeying to be “relevant”; to say something snarky that people will care about; to keep coming up with stuff people want to read, see, like, plus, star, or re-tweet? I get tired of it. So tired. So...